Restoring Specific Items
There are certain classes of furniture items we see regularly which pose unique problems for us to deal with. For example, we see a lot of trunks each year, each of which brings with it a set of problems we don't face with anything else. Leather handles and straps; cloth or leather outer wraps, cloth or paper inner wraps; badly rusted metal components; cleated square nails; and more. With decorative frames we deal with gesso and gilding. With sewing machine cases, roll top desks and parlor organs, we have mechanical issues to take into consideration. We thrive on the variety of challenges these types of furniture introduce into our daily life. We would like to show you what we have done with some of them.
So often we hear people say, "If only I had known you do this kind of work, I wouldn't have disposed of that prized old family piece I recently got rid of." Our hope is that there will be some wonderful and unique pieces of furniture with a heartwarming story that get saved from the trash heap by the illustrations and information we offer on these pages. They can be accessed by the navigation bar above or by the photo links below and to the right.